Saturday, January 19, 2008

This site is officially retarded.

I just spent about 6 hours trying to upload 1 video. I tried three times. The final time I let it sit (uploading) for three hours before giving up and canceling the upload. I've given up on trying to establish an RSS feed here. It was basically easier and less time consuming to actually learn the XML necessary to create my own feed from scratch. I haven't actually accomplished that yet, but I'm getting the hang of it... I'm getting close. Who knew that establishing an RSS feed was the most impossible thing in the universe. Anyways, I guess this will just be a text blog (for when I'm frustrated I suppose). My first video uploaded just fine. WTF? I'm not having this problem with any other sites, so it's not just my internet connection or something. But ya... I give up. This site is crap. I wasted my entire day trying to get this up and running. Happy times!


k3wl TV: 001 - Introduction